FAITHBOOK - Can the Be Bible Trusted...
Rob Alfalah has spoken both nationally and internationally the Bible’s relevance for world today. His revealing of Biblical insights has blessed people of all religious backgrounds. Rob’s presentations are designed to help provide a more thorough understanding of the Bible. These dynamic presentations will help both Christians and non-Christians gain a deeper, more intimate knowledge of God’s word.his seminar focuses on addictions and how to overcome them. Each message discusses hope, healing, and finding refuge in Christ. This seminar is not just on substance addictions, but any addiction from substance to social media to money to anything else.
Part 1 - Faithbook(s): What are the origins of the faithbooks of the world’s most prominent religions that have connected millions? How do they compare to the Bible? Can the Bible really be trusted? Is it an accurate source about who God is and what our future holds?
Part 3 - God’s Twitter: Follow God Though Bible Prophecy. Does Bible prophecy reveal its Divine origin? Can fulfilled Bible prophecy confirm the truth of God’s word?
Due to technical issues, Part 3 is audio only.
Part 2 - LinkedIn: The Bible’s Network to History, Science and Archeology. Do these disciplines confirm the Bible’s accuracy and trustworthiness or do refute the claims to authenticity and accuracy the Bible itself makes?
Part 4 - myfaith: Just like myspace, is faith becoming obsolete in the 21st Century or is there still a place for it in the digital age?